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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Laura Harper!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo
See more from Laura Harper.
See more from Shaillé Claypool.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Nathan: Simple, good message
2.0 stars.
More about Shaillé Claypool:
I am a mom with five children. In my "spare time" I enjoy writing songs. I love the gift of music and believe it can have so much influence for good. All my sheet music is available for free download on my website: claypoolmusic.org
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Laura Harper!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo
See more from Laura Harper.
See more from Shaillé Claypool.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Heavenly Father
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Trust in God
Women Unison
Heavenly Father
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Trust in God
Women Unison
Comments for this piece:
From Nathan: Simple, good message
2.0 stars.
More about Shaillé Claypool:
I am a mom with five children. In my "spare time" I enjoy writing songs. I love the gift of music and believe it can have so much influence for good. All my sheet music is available for free download on my website: claypoolmusic.org
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).This song is based on the "But if not" story found in Daniel 3, as well as my "but if not" experience of having several miscarriages over the past few years. I hope it brings some comfort to you in your own "but if nots". Please also refer to the "But If Not" talks by Elder Wickman and Elder Simmons. Elder Simmons says: "Our God will deliver us from [trials], but if not, … we will have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that if we do all we can do, we will, in His time and in His way, be delivered and receive all that He has."
Sheet music playthrough video:
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Lyrics: When the way ahead is sure,
It's not hard to trust God's plan
Then life takes a diff'rent turn,
That I do not understand.
My Father's ways are higher than my ways
My Father can see a broader view
So though I may not see if He'll deliver me,
I'll choose to trust in Him, my faith renew.
He could take my trial away,
But if not I will endure.
I will wait upon the Lord
For His promises are sure.
In my darkest nights, I plead for answers from on high.
But sometimes life's greatest test is to face the why and let it go.
Chorus 2
My Father's ways are higher than my ways
My Father can see a broader view
So though I may not see the path ahead of me,
My Savior walks by my side and gives me peace.
I'll trust in the Lord, His promises are sure.
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