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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Richard Tolbert!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Cello Duet/Cello Ensemble Member(s), String Quartet, Viola, Violin Duet/Violin Ensemble Member(s)

We also have other 14 arrangements of "Book of Mormon Stories".

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Related song categories are:
Book of Mormon
Children's Songs
Missionary Work
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon

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More about Richard Tolbert:
I don’t come from a very musical family. I started playing saxophone in 7th grade. Thanks to a wonderful private lesson teacher and parents who sacrificed when times were hard, I discovered a passion for music. I went on to study music in college and earned a BA in Music from the University of Utah. I’ve been composing and arranging music in my spare time for over 15 years. Although I’m a sales professional by trade, I’ve never intended to try and make money off of my music. I simply compose for the love I have of sharing my music with those who want to use it.
Song background:

This is an arrangement I wrote for my wife’s cousin, Jenny (Jackson) Lewis.  She and her husband, Justin play in the Capitol String Quartet, which recently released a CD through Deseret Book entitled Walk Beside Me.  This arrangement, as well as two others of mine can be heard on this CD.

In the arrangement, I tried to depict some of the scenes of the Book of Mormon, including the happy times when Christ visited the inhabitants of ancient America, times of strife and war, as well as the time when Moroni was alone and hid up the records until they were to come forth in our time.  A very special thanks to Jenny who did an AMAZING job creating the video below.

Book of Mormon Stories (by Richard Tolbert)

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