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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to David Welker!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Guitar, Guitar Chords Available
We also have other 47 arrangements of "Beautiful Savior".
See more from David Welker.
Comments for this piece:
From C: Almost impossible to find a simple melodic version without some strange tuning or notation that lacks explanation. Really killing the beginning guitar player and even veteran Horn player. Song itself 100/5.... this arrangement -100/5 due to all sorts of crap all over the page without explanation for it. Which chord when? Where are the tabs? Roman numerals? Blocking site.... Not worth it.
1.0 stars.
From C: Almost impossible to find a simple melodic version without some strange tuning or notation that lacks explanation. Really killing the beginning guitar player and even veteran Horn player. Song itself 100/5.... this arrangement -100/5 due to all sorts of crap all over the page without explanation for it. Which chord when? Where are the tabs? Roman numerals? Blocking site.... Not worth it.
1.0 stars.
From Dave: Thank you for your kind comments on my arrangement. As noted in my intro, if you would like a TAB version of any song, you need but ask. :) The roman numerals you mention indicate positions, ie. placement of the hand at the II or 2nd fret, V at the 5th fret etc. Small numbers next to notes are recommended fingerings: 1 = index, 2= middle, 3 = ring, 4 = pinky. Small numbers inside circle indicate the note is played on an unexpected string...Slurs indicate to pull off or hammer on a string with the left hand only, and gliss or glissando [a favorite term for trombone players!] means to drag the fingers between notes... As it turns out, I also have a copy of this with the 3rd verse in the key of C resulting in simpler chords than the online version, as well as a simple descant for beginning string or wind players. I would be equally as happy to TAB that for you. :) Again, you need but ask. :) Regards, Dave
More about David Welker:
I am a hobby classical guitarist. While I have had no formal musical theory or arranging training, I did play the trombone in the BYU Marching Band, - akin to staying at the Holiday Inn Express. I began playing the trombone at the age of 10 upon quitting guitar lessons because my mother said I had to play something. I started playing the guitar when I was 8 when I quit piano lessons after only one lesson, because basically I'm a quitter. Sadly, I was not mature enough to fully appreciate classical guitar at the time, so I quit that too and started playing the trombone in the band. I later began dabbling with other guitars, the banjo and even the mandolin. I picked classical back up after our first child was born when my wife told me my other guitars were just too noisy. So I bought a Yamaha Classical guitar at the main Yamaha store in Shibuya, Japan and tried to retrain myself. Recently a young man I worked with on my mission sent me "How Great Thou Art" which he had arranged for classical guitar. I played it back for him and he challenged me to arrange something myself and send it back. That something became "The Lord is My Shepherd"...and I am now slowly arranging some of my other favorite hymns...these are all arranged at my ZPD. I always stay true to the number of verses in the actual hymn, and try to mix things up in different verses so I don't get bored. There are some easier verses and some that I can just play. Feel free to play the whole arrangement, or just the verses you like! Recordings are done on my phone in the living room...often with some funny background noise! These are provided simply to give an idea of what I had in mind...as you can tell I'm still practicing... I have a list of songs I'm going to get to, so in the event anyone had a request I may move it up my list if it is there. If you would like a TABLATURE version of a song, please email me.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to David Welker!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Guitar, Guitar Chords Available
We also have other 47 arrangements of "Beautiful Savior".
See more from David Welker.
Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Instrumental Music or New Age
Savior/Jesus Christ
Flute Optional Obbligato/Flute Accompaniment
Violin Optional Obbligato/Violin Accompaniment
Children's Songs
Instrumental Music or New Age
Savior/Jesus Christ
Flute Optional Obbligato/Flute Accompaniment
Violin Optional Obbligato/Violin Accompaniment
Comments for this piece:
From C: Almost impossible to find a simple melodic version without some strange tuning or notation that lacks explanation. Really killing the beginning guitar player and even veteran Horn player. Song itself 100/5.... this arrangement -100/5 due to all sorts of crap all over the page without explanation for it. Which chord when? Where are the tabs? Roman numerals? Blocking site.... Not worth it.
1.0 stars.
From C: Almost impossible to find a simple melodic version without some strange tuning or notation that lacks explanation. Really killing the beginning guitar player and even veteran Horn player. Song itself 100/5.... this arrangement -100/5 due to all sorts of crap all over the page without explanation for it. Which chord when? Where are the tabs? Roman numerals? Blocking site.... Not worth it.
1.0 stars.
From Dave: Thank you for your kind comments on my arrangement. As noted in my intro, if you would like a TAB version of any song, you need but ask. :) The roman numerals you mention indicate positions, ie. placement of the hand at the II or 2nd fret, V at the 5th fret etc. Small numbers next to notes are recommended fingerings: 1 = index, 2= middle, 3 = ring, 4 = pinky. Small numbers inside circle indicate the note is played on an unexpected string...Slurs indicate to pull off or hammer on a string with the left hand only, and gliss or glissando [a favorite term for trombone players!] means to drag the fingers between notes... As it turns out, I also have a copy of this with the 3rd verse in the key of C resulting in simpler chords than the online version, as well as a simple descant for beginning string or wind players. I would be equally as happy to TAB that for you. :) Again, you need but ask. :) Regards, Dave
More about David Welker:
I am a hobby classical guitarist. While I have had no formal musical theory or arranging training, I did play the trombone in the BYU Marching Band, - akin to staying at the Holiday Inn Express. I began playing the trombone at the age of 10 upon quitting guitar lessons because my mother said I had to play something. I started playing the guitar when I was 8 when I quit piano lessons after only one lesson, because basically I'm a quitter. Sadly, I was not mature enough to fully appreciate classical guitar at the time, so I quit that too and started playing the trombone in the band. I later began dabbling with other guitars, the banjo and even the mandolin. I picked classical back up after our first child was born when my wife told me my other guitars were just too noisy. So I bought a Yamaha Classical guitar at the main Yamaha store in Shibuya, Japan and tried to retrain myself. Recently a young man I worked with on my mission sent me "How Great Thou Art" which he had arranged for classical guitar. I played it back for him and he challenged me to arrange something myself and send it back. That something became "The Lord is My Shepherd"...and I am now slowly arranging some of my other favorite hymns...these are all arranged at my ZPD. I always stay true to the number of verses in the actual hymn, and try to mix things up in different verses so I don't get bored. There are some easier verses and some that I can just play. Feel free to play the whole arrangement, or just the verses you like! Recordings are done on my phone in the living room...often with some funny background noise! These are provided simply to give an idea of what I had in mind...as you can tell I'm still practicing... I have a list of songs I'm going to get to, so in the event anyone had a request I may move it up my list if it is there. If you would like a TABLATURE version of a song, please email me.
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bookmark/save this song arrangement to your personal sacredsheetmusic bookmark save list.
The Crusader's Hymn arranged with the Descant written into the guitar in the 3rd verse, or can be played simultaneously with another instrument.

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