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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Dawn Rose!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Flute Duet/Flute Ensemble Member(s)

We also have other 47 arrangements of "Beautiful Savior".
We also have other 6 arrangements of "Fairest Lord Jesus".

See more from Dawn Rose.

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Heavenly Father
Instrumental Music or New Age
Savior/Jesus Christ

Comments for this piece:
From Lisa: The flute duet, for the most part, is really good. However, the long solo at the beginning seems to need a little support from a second flute part (harmony), and the entire second line in unison is a bit too bland for my tastes. There is a beautiful harmony written in the Children's Songbook that we've adapted for lines 1 & 2 for the second flute part. Also, the piano is a little too slow-moving for my tastes. There can definitely be slower-moving sections, but the entire piece tends to drag because there's not enough movement in the piano to really even keep tempo... We, as flutes, are struggling to follow each other because we don't have a piano to follow. There are also long stretches of held notes, the whole-note-tied-to-dotted-half-notes that appear twice in the piece where all of us, flutes and piano, are simply holding out single long notes. It is, quite frankly, very boring. Any movement here would have been great. I would have loved to see some eighth-note runs on the piano more often, a little more chord switching, some breaks for the flutists to take a moment to breathe, recompose, while the piano does a short interlude, type of thing. But with short notice, this piece worked out alright.
3.0 stars.

More about Dawn Rose:
I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and am the mother of eleven children and the grandmother of sixteen. My husband and I are the adoptive parents of seven African-American children. I have an internet business, since 2007, where I make and sell look-a-like dolls of children all over the world. Writing poetry is a lifelong joy; lately I am finding pleasure in the whimsical characters that have come to life in my children's poetry. Three of these poems have been published as children's books so far. I play guitar by ear and love to sing, and although I am not a pianist, with the new computer programs available I can compose the music I feel in my heart. I hope my music will be a blessing to some of you. Things I love: Music, literature, laughing children, the words of Christ, soft horse muzzles, and floppy dog ears.
Song background:

My son was looking for a Christmas flute duet for church. I've always loved these two folk songs/lullabies, so, I arranged a medley with Fairest Lord Jesus and Still, Still, Still. Piano accompaniment is generally required for another instrument to be appropriate for sacrament; however, I didn't want it to upstage the flutes, so I arranged the piano to be very simple and soft.


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