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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Linda Hartman!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Duet/Piano Ensemble
We also have other 21 arrangements of "Be Thou My Vision".
See more from Linda Hartman.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Jodi: What a lovely arrangement! Thank you so much for sharing your talent for music. God Bless!!
5.0 stars.
5.0 stars.
From Dyanna: Amazing arrangment!
5.0 stars.
From K: I have to admit I got the inspired to find this song from Harry and Meghan's Royal Wedding. hahaha. But this is a gorgeous gorgeous arrangement of the piece. I really love it and can't wait to play it with a friend!
5.0 stars.
From Adrienne: Simply gorgeous! Thank you for using your gifts and talents in such a powerful way and for your willingness to share them with others! Blessings to you!
5.0 stars.
From Lisa: Very beautiful!
5.0 stars.
From SH: One of my favorite hymns and what a beautiful arrangement. It's a joy to listen to–thank you for sharing with us!
5.0 stars.
From Michael Wyatt: Very nice!
5.0 stars.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Linda Hartman!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Duet/Piano Ensemble
We also have other 21 arrangements of "Be Thou My Vision".
See more from Linda Hartman.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ
Savior/Jesus Christ
Comments for this piece:
From Jodi: What a lovely arrangement! Thank you so much for sharing your talent for music. God Bless!!
5.0 stars.
5.0 stars.
From Dyanna: Amazing arrangment!
5.0 stars.
From K: I have to admit I got the inspired to find this song from Harry and Meghan's Royal Wedding. hahaha. But this is a gorgeous gorgeous arrangement of the piece. I really love it and can't wait to play it with a friend!
5.0 stars.
From Adrienne: Simply gorgeous! Thank you for using your gifts and talents in such a powerful way and for your willingness to share them with others! Blessings to you!
5.0 stars.
From Lisa: Very beautiful!
5.0 stars.
From SH: One of my favorite hymns and what a beautiful arrangement. It's a joy to listen to–thank you for sharing with us!
5.0 stars.
From Michael Wyatt: Very nice!
5.0 stars.
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for this piece (opens in a new window).
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You can also bookmark/save this song arrangement to your personal sacredsheetmusic bookmark save list.

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