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Voicing/Instrumentation: Choir Unison, Primary Children/Primary Solo, Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison
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Joseph Smith
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Trust in God
Youth/Young Men/Young Women
Choir with Soloist or Optional Soloist
Women Unison
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More about Debbie Wood:
How I love my mother, Brenda; my very first teacher in life. When I was eight, I had a desire to learn to play the piano and she began teaching me about the different notes. Then in Jr. High, my music teacher, Marvin Hill, understood the power of chords, and in one month, changed my life. Over the years, I've written different songs, both upon request, and to express the emotion I was feeling at the time. Each of these songs has a story of how it was written. (Which can also be found at Each of these songs I dedicate to our loving Father in Heaven and Savior, Jesus Christ. I know They live. I know They love us perfectly and give us gifts and talents to share with others and make this world a better place. How grateful I am to Them for all I've been blessed with.
I have many "favorite scriptures." One that has been a favorite for years was introduced to me on my mission in Colombia (1986-1987) by a wonderful sister (Sue Buehner - Doc & Cov 123:17).
"Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully
do all things that lie in our power; and then may we
stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the
salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."
(Keep in mind, this was written by Joseph Smith when he was falsely accused and thrown in Liberty Jail.)
Years later, Pres. Hinckley wrote a chapter on "Be Positive" in his book, "Way to Be." I thought these two thoughts went well together. I was thrilled when they came together in this song.
The song, "Be Positive" was completed in December, 2002, when I was fighting pneumonia for the first time in my life. (Little did I know that would be the beginning of 14+ years of health challenges.) This song has been an inspiration to me through each of my personal trials.
(Sorry for this midi .mp3 - it makes it seem like this song has no feeling, pauses or slowing of any kind. I hope to do a better recording, but for now this will give you an idea of how it sounds.)
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Lyrics: Let us cheerfully do everything within our power, and then may we stand still;
with the utmost assurance in our God, and for His arm to be revealed.
1. Be positive. Think positive, for negative divides.
Be positive, sow positive and you will reap it multiplied.
Let us cheerfully do everything within our power, and then may we stand still;
With the utmost assurance in our God, and for His arm to be revealed.
2. Be positive. Give positive, have faith and do not doubt.
Be positive, Live positive and things will all work out.