If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Dean Reed Guymon!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison
See more from Dean Reed Guymon.
Savior/Jesus Christ
Comments for this piece:
From Kevin Matthews: I like this piece! With a full choir it will sound great.
4.0 stars.
More about Dean Reed Guymon:
Trumpet; BS from BYU; Electrical Contractor; Master Electrician. At times melodies have come easily. One song was played on an Orem radio station for awhile. At 3 funerals and 2 sacrament meetings, Mother's Song was sung. Babe Of Light was sung in two sacrament meetings and at a stake "choirside." Mostly, my music has remained dormant for years.
Larry Dunning has made this beautiful choir arrangement. I only do the easy part: melodies and lyric. I am dependent on people who have "paid the high price required” to create beautiful piano arrangements. Thanks so much Larry! This arrangement has meant much to me! The audio is of Larry's ward choir singing at a stake choirside in 1998.
About 1982 at Christmas time, I was singing to my young daughter at bed time, and this melody “surfaced” easily and naturally. I believe some of the words came with the melody.
About 1996, Randy Crossette created a fun music box arrangement for solo, which has never been transferred to sheetmusic. Maybe I'll just put that on for audio.
Larry's Ward Choir sang this at a Stake Choirside in 1998. Larry arranged this music by hand on sheet music paper and Kenneth Palkki transferred it into a music program for printing. I have had much help from other people!! Larry's ward has sung this song several times, he said. My ward sang this arrangement also one Christmas.