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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Jason Hunsaker!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SSAATTBB

We also have other 78 arrangements of "Away In a Manger".
We also have other 20 arrangements of "Away in a Manger".

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Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Heavenly Father
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Instrumental Music or New Age
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
A Cappella/Optional A Capella

Comments for this piece:
From Norman Anderson: I like the way this sounds.
5.0 stars.

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(The playback should sound better with headphones.)

I wanted to create an arrangement that used the three most common melodies to which this text is typically paired. In the first verse, the women represent angels announcing the Savior's birth. As the angels ascend away at the end of the first verse, the men come in, representing the shepherds describing what they see upon finding the newborn Savior. Since the text of the third verse transitions to a personal plea, the tempo is slowed and the harmonies start out more close and intimate, and are sometimes are more dissonant, reflecting the difficulties encountered in navigating a personal and intimate relationship. My favorite part of the text is "and fit us for heaven" because I always think of the word "fit" as in a tailor "fitting" us for clothes. Away In A Manger by Jason Hunsaker

Quería crear un arreglo que usara las tres melodías más comunes con las que normalmente se combina este texto. En el primer verso, las mujeres representan ángeles que anuncian el nacimiento del Salvador. Cuando los ángeles ascienden al final del primer versículo, entran los hombres, que representan a los pastores que describen lo que ven cuando se encuentran con el Salvador recién nacido. A medida que el texto del tercer verso pasa a ser una súplica personal, el tempo se ralentiza y las armonías comienzan a ser más cercanas e íntimas y, a veces, más disonantes, lo que refleja las dificultades encontradas en una relación personal e íntima. Mi parte favorita del texto en inglés es "and fit us for heaven". Aunque quería usar "y entállenos para el cielo" porque siempre pienso en "fit" como un sastre entallandonos ropa, me decidí por "aptos" como una traducción adecuada. Jesús En Pesebre by Jason Hunsaker

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