If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Danielle Williams!
We also have other 77 arrangements of "Away In a Manger".
We also have other 20 arrangements of "Away in a Manger".
We also have other 6 arrangements of "Coventry Carol".
We also have other 9 arrangements of "I Wonder As I Wander".
See more from Danielle Williams.
Visit composer's personal website.
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Children's Songs
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Heavenly Father
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Instrumental Music or New Age
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
Comments for this piece:
From Don Bugg: Impressive!
4.0 stars.
From Justin K. Reeve: This is absolutely wonderful, Danielle, and what hauntingly beautiful transitions to "Away in a Manger" and "My Jesus, I Love Thee."
5.0 stars.
More about Danielle Williams:
AKA Danielle the Choir Pianist
I needed a song for a Christmas performance this year. I've always liked "I Wonder As I Wander" (so haunting!) but 1) didn't find an arrangement I liked here and 2) I found the song's original second and third verses to be...lackluster (to be polite). "Away in a Manger" fit the meter, but without a singer, no one would know that. Kindly ward members found me a soprano who could reliably hit a high D. She was away at college, but agreed to sing for me anyway. Even though the arrangement hadn't been written yet. Brave girl.
I wanted the third verse to NOT be more "Away in A Manger" but the other two options I looked up in the green hymnbook didn't do anything for me. I Ducky'd the meter and discovered a public domain hymn by the name of "My Jesus, I Love Thee". Verse two would work just fine, thanks. Hours later in we are.
I wrote it to be manageable for the pianist--intermediate level at the most. Even if it looks intimidating, give the third verse a try.
- My musical yen held my brain hostage for about a month, repeating accompaniment ideas in my brain from approximately 10PM-4AM every night.
- The technical term for switching out the words without changing the tune is "contrafactum", apparently.
-The third verse goes FULL PHILIP GLASS, so if you happen to have played from "The Hours" piano solo book, you'll grok the third verse's accompaniment immediately.
-The other two songs whose meter match this tune are "Ye Elders of Israel" and "How Firm a Foundation".
[Update 24.Dec.2019] Added an .m4a audio file my singer made of one of our practices, so you can hear what it sounds like with a real singer now! Also, I goofed in one spot, just ignore that...and the possibly-audible Primary children zooming around out in the halls.
[Update 15.Nov.2021] If you enjoyed performing my arrangement, please consider purchasing a very affordable thank-you copy from my Gumroad store.
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