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Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo

See more from Danielle Isaacson.

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Related song categories are:
EFY style/Contemporary
Youth/Young Men/Young Women

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Song background:

This is one of my submissions for the 2023 Church Music Competition. It is in the Contemporary Youth Category. I was working on this song for over a year and I think it pulled together well in the end.

The inspiration for this is from Jeffery R. Holland’s April 2012 talk, Laborers in the Vineyard. His phrase “It’s getting late,” hit me with the spirit so strong that I knew I wanted that line in my song. After I first played the finished work for my husband (he didn’t hear much of it before then) he said he liked it and even felt the spirit. I asked him what part he felt the spirit. He said when I sang the line, “It’s getting late.” That made my day! Also note that in the bridge I use the name “Master” as in Master of the Vineyard. He is who we hearken to.

I also used a few phrases that come from the prophet, Russel M. Nelson, like, “let God prevail.” In his most recent talk we learned to “think celestial.” Using that phrase would be way too cheesy so I came up with the phrase, “live for the gift of that celestial crown.” Same thought but less obvious.

Lastly, I wanted to thank my good friend Surjani for reviewing this song with me. I was totally stuck on how to transition from the chorus to the bridge. She gave me a list of 4 chords to use to get there and it worked! The magic of theory :)

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Lyrics: Awake and Arise
Verse 1
Am I the person the Savior needs me to be?
Does my hope in Him shine for all to see?
Sometimes distractions shift my gaze
But I’ll repent and do better today.

It’s time to wake and arise.
Do all it takes to come to Christ.
I’ll make covenants and fulfill,
Give my heart to let God prevail.
Now is the time. Awake and Arise.

Verse 2:
As I make choices, am I looking to Christ?
When yoked with Him, His power is mine.
So I’ll press forward, cast fear down,
Live for the gift of that celestial crown.

The words of the Master speak to my heart
Revealing the place that I should start.
Each step will take great faith
But I will join the ranks. It’s getting late.
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