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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Susan Merry Ames!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
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More about Susan Merry Ames:
Wife, Mother and Grandmother. Member Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Private Vocal Coach Retired Education Director and Supervisor of Opera by Children at Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theatre,
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Susan Merry Ames!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Susan Merry Ames.
Visit composer's personal website.
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More about Susan Merry Ames:
Wife, Mother and Grandmother. Member Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Private Vocal Coach Retired Education Director and Supervisor of Opera by Children at Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theatre,
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I composed this Christmas lullaby when our first grandson, Zachary Glen Ames, was born 21 years ago. It is a story of the birth of the Savior and a hope/prayer/belief that eventually that little baby grandson would come to know Jesus as wonderfully as his grandparents and parents have done. It is composed for his mother to sing. Now he is 21 and returned just yesterday from the Berlin Germany Mission with a powerful testimony of his own. It seemed an appropriate time to do a simple choir arrangement with gratitude for answered blessings and to reconfirm our testimony of the Savior.

Lyrics: Hush, Little Baby, now don't you weep.
Mother will rock you and sing you to sleep.
I'll tell you a story of another wee baby like thee.
I'll tell you the story ... how he came in His Glory...
to another young mother like me.
*(cho) Angels sang his lullaby.
Shepherds guard him through the night.
Kings revere him. So do I! And so will you!
When you know him little baby, you will too.
Tho He was born in a stable bare
Heavenly choirs came to worship Him there
And they bowed down before Him
Their Heavenly music to sing.
They bowed down before Him...the humble adored Him
For they knew that He was the King.
@ chorus
Now we remember on Christmas Eve
How He was born, little baby, like thee.
And He was the Savior, son of the Father divine.
He was the Savior and we'll love Him forever ...
Child Jesus, sweet babe - you and I.
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