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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Danielle Isaacson!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

We also have other 8 arrangements of "An Angel From On High".

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Related song categories are:
Aaronic Priesthood
Book of Mormon
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Joseph Smith

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Song background:

Before I arranged Rejoice! The Lord is King, I noticed An Angel from on High could be sung with the same music. When I sang it out loud that way, the music went perfectly with the lyrics to this song. It really motivated me to arrange Rejoice! The Lord is King because An Angel from on High is one that isn’t sung very much and I think if you’ll sing it this way, you’ll want to sing it all the time! It is awesome.

Because Rejoice! The Lord is King only has three verses I chose the 1st, 2nd and 4th verse of An Angel from on High. I think it’s very complete that way. I’m excited to see what other people think of this.

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