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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Book of Mormon
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit

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More about Dean H. Hamill:
Bachelor of Music in Classical Guitar Performance, secondary emphasis in composition; Master of Music degree. Taught music courses at several colleges. Creator of the first comprehensive video guitar lessons, Guitar Now! with Dean Hamill. director of various choirs throughout Southern California and Oregon.
Song background:

A very melodic and dramatic setting of the sacred text for soprano or tenor with piano accompaniment.  (Another arrangement for low voices is available on this site.)  I wrote this originally back in the mid-1970s and have revised it several times.  This solemn supplication of the father of King Lamoni speaks to my heart.  He asks the same questions that I had as a young person and countless millions still have. I'd appreciate hearing your opinion of it.  I may be emailed at dean.hamill@hushmail.com.

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