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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Sally Deford!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo

We also have other 28 arrangements of "All Creatures of Our God and King".

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Related song categories are:
Flute Optional Obbligato/Flute Accompaniment

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More about Sally Deford:
The original "free mormon music online" publisher, thank you Sally for letting us post your music!
Song background:

(All Creatures Of Our God and King)

This whimsical little piece is an upbeat, rather breathless setting of the words of Francis of Assisi, with a few additions of my own. If you attempt the choral, you'll want to take it a bit slower than Allyse did, and buy chocolates for your accompanist. The piano track follows the score as written, and includes the flute obbligato, which may be used for either version.


Anthem Of Praise (by Sally Deford)

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