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Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo, Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison

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More about Debbie Wood:
How I love my mother, Brenda; my very first teacher in life. When I was eight, I had a desire to learn to play the piano and she began teaching me about the different notes. Then in Jr. High, my music teacher, Marvin Hill, understood the power of chords, and in one month, changed my life. Over the years, I've written different songs, both upon request, and to express the emotion I was feeling at the time. Each of these songs has a story of how it was written. (Which can also be found at www.power-plus-learning.com/debbs-music/) Each of these songs I dedicate to our loving Father in Heaven and Savior, Jesus Christ. I know They live. I know They love us perfectly and give us gifts and talents to share with others and make this world a better place. How grateful I am to Them for all I've been blessed with.
Song background:

When Pres. Hinckley came out with his book, "Way to Be," I had written so many songs that went along with his virtues that when I read "Be Humble" I knew I could write a song that would go along with his stories and challenge of being humble.

However, this one was a little more difficult to put together because it had elements of Shakespeare in it.  Quoting from Hamlet he wrote: "What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god!"

I loved those thoughts!  I felt very inspired when I was able to rhyme "The work of man how noble; how noble is thy reason.  Thine influence is felt here, if only for a season. How infinite in faculty, his form, he moves so admirably. How like an angel, actions refined.  How like a god! Yes! Man is Divine!"

So true!  We are each a child of God and each of us will be an influence on others for good or bad while we experience this mortal journey.

(Sorry for this midi .mp3 - it makes it seem like this song has no feeling, pauses or slowing of any kind. I hope to do a better recording, but for now this will give you an idea of how it sounds.)

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Lyrics: CHORUS: One can be a nightingale for there's a song to sing.
Let another give the praise, for we have love and peace to bring.
Yes, be another Nightingale, vanity ignored.
Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth, for pride one can't afford.

1. I'll sing a song of gratitude; for mine is true and deep.
And see this quiet lullaby lull my pride to sleep.
Think of others I can serve; my duty never shirk
And watch love grow as I forget myself and go to work.

CHORUS: One can be a nightingale for there's a song to sing.
Let another give the praise, for we have love and peace to bring.
Yes, be another Nightingale, vanity ignored.
Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth, for pride one can't afford.

2. Immerse thyself in gratitude for blessings all around.
Dive into serving others, for that's where love is found.
For thou, oh man, art servant in the household of our Lord.
Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth, for pride one can't afford.

The work of man how Noble; how Noble is thy reason.
Thine influence is felt here if only for a season.
How infinite in faculty; his form, he moves so admirably.
How like an angel, actions refined. How like a god! Yes! Man is Divine!

CHORUS: One can be a nightingale for there's a song to sing.
Let another give the praise, for we have love and peace to bring.
Yes, be another Nightingale, vanity ignored.
Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth, for pride one can't afford.
Oh, humble Nightingale!
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