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Voicing/Instrumentation: SSAA

See more from Amy Webb.

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Related song categories are:
Book of Mormon
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Truth/Wisdom and Knowledge
Violin Optional Obbligato/Violin Accompaniment

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Lyrics: The truth that we all seek, the peace we thirst for each day,
Has not been hidden from us, its not been taken away.
We read the everlasting words, our souls filled with heaven's light.
It causes us to lift our voice, to sing both mind and might.

I wasn't there when Lehi's fam'ly had faith to leave their home.
I didn't see the change in Alma as he left a life of sin.
I haven't heard the voice from heaven as many have before.
But I know the word of God, the unchanging iron rod,
is there for me to read each day
and it leads me to a mighty change of heart.

To feel my Savior's hands guiding me with love and with pow'r
His image in my countenance; I strive for hour by hour.
As I read, I'm learning how to live, I can feel him beckoning me.
Daily battles I can overcome, I'm changing what I'll be.

I wasn't there when Jared's brother saw the finger of the Lord.
I didn't see the stripling warriors as they march off into war.
I haven't felt the Savior's hands and feet after suffering for me.
But I know the word of God, the unchanging iron rod,
is there for me to read each day
and has led me to a mighty change of heart.
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