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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Sally Deford!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo

See more from Sally Deford.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom

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More about Sally Deford:
The original "free mormon music online" publisher, thank you Sally for letting us post your music!
Song background:

“It’s possible to make home a bit of heaven. Indeed, I picture heaven as a continuation of the ideal home.” (David O. McKay)    

It *is* possible to make home a bit of heaven. It happened to our family once, for about ten minutes back in 1992. (The kids were asleep. That may have had something to do with it.) Actually, we do have our heavenly moments around here, and they follow a definite pattern. They occur when we're staying close to the Lord, and behaving ourselves in a way that makes Him comfortable as a guest in our home. They pop up most often when we're serving others as He would do; when we're feeling grateful; when we're united in prayer for a common purpose. They seem to have less to do with the state of our housekeeping than with the state of our hearts. They are the times when we feel His spirit with us, because it is His presence that makes a home a heaven on earth.


A Heaven on Earth (by Sally Deford)

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