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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Duet
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Many thanks to Hillary for posting her music online.
This was my very first composition. I wrote it when I was sixteen years old. I was so impressed with the faith of the believers in ancient America who were not willing to deny their faith that the sign of Christ’s birth would come as Samuel the Lamanite had prophesied. Some of the people had become so wicked that they had actually set aside a day that they would put all believers to death if the sign of a day without night did not come to pass. This song has many of the comforting words the Lord sent to Nephi, a grandson of Nephi, who pleaded with the Lord to know that the sign would come. This story always puts me in the Christmas spirit and reinforces my faith in Christ. I’m so grateful to now have two beautiful daughters of my own who can sing it so well.
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