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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Jeff Combe!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Cantata/Choir Full Program/Play
See more from Jeff Combe.
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More about Jeff Combe:
Originally from Idaho Falls, Idaho; currently live in Southern California. Studied composition with Dave Sargent and Murray Boren at BYU; jazz arranging and electronic music at Cal State Los Angeles.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Jeff Combe!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Cantata/Choir Full Program/Play
See more from Jeff Combe.
Related song categories are:
Book of Mormon
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
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More about Jeff Combe:
Originally from Idaho Falls, Idaho; currently live in Southern California. Studied composition with Dave Sargent and Murray Boren at BYU; jazz arranging and electronic music at Cal State Los Angeles.
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This is number 28 in the oratorio "The Last Words of Mormon." The setting is Mormon 7:8, 10, and is literally Mormon's last words. The words are among the most positive and heartening of the last things Mormon wrote. The piece fades to nothing at the end, signifying Mormon's death.

Lyrics: (sopranos) Therefore repent,
and be baptized in the name of Jesus,
(tenors) And lay hold upon the gospel of Christ
(basses) Which shall be set before you.
(altos) Therefore repent,
and be baptized in the name of Jesus,
(sopranos) And lay hold upon the gospel of Christ
(altos) which shall be set before you.
(basses and tenors) Therefore repent,
and be baptized in the name of Jesus,
and lay hold upon the gospel of Christ
which shall be set before you.
(sopranos and altos) And if it so be that ye believe in Christ,
And are baptized, first with water,
Then with fire and with the Holy Ghost,
Following the example of our Savior,
(tenors and basses) According to that which he hath commanded us,
it shall be well with you in the day of judgement.
And if it so be that ye believe in Christ,
(tenors and altos) And are baptized, first with water,
Then with fire and with the Holy Ghost,
Following the example of our Savior,
(tenors and altos) According to that which he hath commanded us,
it shall be well with you in the day of judgement.
(All) Therefore repent,
and be baptized in the name of Jesus,
and lay hold upon the gospel of Christ
which shall be set be fore you,
And if it so be that ye believe in Christ,
and are baptized, first with water,
then with fire and with the Holy Ghost,
following the example of our Savior,
According to that which he hath commanded us,
it shall be well with you in the day of judgement.
Therefore repent,
and be baptized in the name of Jesus,
and lay hold upon the gospel of Christ
which shall be set before you.
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