Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats:
Composer: Victoria Farnsworth
Total views of songs: 12869
Total pdf views/downloads: 2380

Total redirects from our site to yours: 557


Individual song statistics for this composer

Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable)
What is a Mother 3322 1296
Thy Sweet Love 2178 248 https://joshuapeeksmusic.wordpress.com/2017/02/26/thy-sweet-love/
Make a Joyful Noise 5644 615
Hallelujah, Jesus is King 1311 150 https://youtu.be/LYw2kGoybAo
I Looked in the Mirror to the tune of Popcorn Popping 414 71