Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats:
Composer: Keith Rowley
Total views of songs: 294287
Total pdf views/downloads: 69956

Total redirects from our site to yours: 16665


Individual song statistics for this composer

Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable)
The Articles of Faith : Easy to Sing Melodies for Primary Children. 1008 151
Come, Come Ye Saints 12296 3298
O My Father 6067 134
Come, Follow Me 2885 450
Homeward Bound - High Voice 8203 1422
How Far Is It to Bethlehem? 3501 1091
There's a Song in the Air 2012 548
Here Lies the Precious Babe 1026 318
Sounds of Christmas 3429 599
How Far is it to Bethlehem 2373 541
Christmas Child 1452 334
Every Day Is Christmas 2097 503
Every Day Is Christmas 1139 396
Every Day Is Christmas 1105 242
In the Bleak Midwinter 2696 616
In the Bleak Midwinter 4440 1122
Sounds of Christmas 3631 821
In the Bleak Midwinter 2066 466
Sounds of Christmas 2126 460
There's a Song in the Air 1161 354
Here Lies the Precious Babe 803 242
And This is Life Eternal 666 151
Homeward Bound - Low Voice 4632 937
A Tribute to Mothers 3095 923
A House of God 1254 265
Now Let Every Man Learn His Duty 465 119
I Will Bless the Lord 569 216
I Will Bless the Lord (with piano reduction) 573 180
In the Service of God 1097 249
Now Let Every Man Learn His Duty (Men's Choir) 779 228
Endure to the End 1118 213
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God 6500 1777
Psalm 24 1132 311
Faithful unto the End 352 15
Easter Trilogy 2947 702
And This is Life Eternal 681 188
A House of God 1092 325
Faithful unto the End 455 36
Holy, Holy, Holy 2972 631
Music, When Soft Voices Die 1176 204
Music, When Soft Voices Die 1153 307
Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake! 989 314
Because of Thy Great Bounty 1450 519
There is a Green Hill Far Away 2340 469
Come, Sing to the Lord 2649 941
Rise Up, O Men of God 4250 1246
At the Cry of the First Bird 1280 320
Come, Come Ye Saints 1709 343
Ye Elders of Israel 3706 1081
Le Livre de Mormon Musicale 437 108
Christmas Carols: Especially for Children 2116 667
More Christmas Carols: Especially for Children 1806 691
Christ's Suffering: Excerpts from "The Messiah" 1583 315
Ave verum corpus - Men's Choir 2832 535
Lord, Teach Me How to Pray - 2 part Choir 2064 338
Hymn Preludes Book 1 37515 9024
Hymn Preludes Book 2 23251 6292
Hymn Preludes Book 3 15079 3628
Two Hours to Darkness 835 220
The Christmas Carols of Keith D Rowley - Part 2 1122 191
The Christmas Carols of Keith D Rowley - Part 3 1039 202
The Christmas Carols of Keith D Rowley - Part 4 855 158
And When Ye Shall Receive These Things 781 172
Alleluia! Sing Praises! 1521 520
The Nine Be's 406 47
Lift Up Your Heads 1017 238
Hymn Preludes Book 4 "Legacy Hymns" 25199 6266
Christmas Preludes 34496 7641
Baptism (song) 2950 319
Hymn Preludes Book 5 "The Sacrament" 9189 2213
He Shall Prepare a Way - Low voice 478 73
He Shall Prepare a Way - High voice 597 77
Four Christmas Hymns - Mixed Voices 874 101
The Christmas Carols of Keith D Rowley - Part 5 444 111
Away in a Manger 387 72
Have a Very Merry Christmas 184 65
Rejoice, the Lord is King! 400 91
Mother's Day Medley 943 220
Beautiful Savior 1659 246
Peace 326 77
Yearning for Heaven 398 70
Why Do the Bells of Christmas Ring? 329 91
Christmas Thanks 147 33
Joy to the World 518 61
What Child Is This? 1065 492
Psaume 24 36 12
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks 117 98
At the Cry of the First Bird 94 71
Hymn Preludes Book 6 "New Hymns" 1431 444
The Most Precious Gift 41 23
Sweet Baby Jesus : Christmas Motet 81 23
He That Hath Clean Hands 60 30
Celeste Preludes: Book 1, A-L 414 109
Celeste Preludes: Book 2, M-Z 242 101
Amazing Grace 281 33
Celeste Christmas Preludes 51 29