Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats:
Composer: Ricky Valadez
Total views of songs: 456337
Total pdf views/downloads: 156746

Total redirects from our site to yours: 57635


Individual song statistics for this composer

Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable)
Abide With Me 22543 5868 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Abide With Me 12815 4046 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief 19340 14530 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Celtic Hymn Medley 19715 4262 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 30119 14335 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 55857 35151 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
For the Beauty of the Earth 20426 8685 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Joseph Smith Medley 37512 9270 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Nearer, My God to Thee 33950 10295 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Nearer, My God to Thee 45824 14289 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel 19790 7290 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel 14990 4427 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
O Little Town Of Bethlehem 11522 4925 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
O Little Town Of Bethlehem 10850 4252 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
O Little Town Of Bethlehem 15077 6442 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah 1932 729 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus 5116 835 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Silent Night 6405 3545 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
What Child Is This 9042 2191 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Sonatina in C 4122 598 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Here I Stand 5465 781 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Because I Have Been Given Much 6852 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Consider the Lilies 20974 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
I Feel My Savior's Love 8646 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
If You Could Hie to Kolob and Adam-Ondi-Ahman 2514 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Invention I 873 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Our Savior's Love 2071 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Peace 731 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Quelle Est Cette Odeur Agreable 1273 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Rubiks Cube 529 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
Sonata in G 1840 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
That Easter Morn 3243 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
The Shape and Sound 819 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/
The Spirit of God 3560 0 http://www.rickyvaladez.com/sheet-music/