Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats:
Composer: Linda Chapman
Total views of songs: 790704
Total pdf views/downloads: 36094

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Individual song statistics for this composer

Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable)
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief 15447 507
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief 18292 176
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief 10594 295
A Woman Stood by Bonnie Heidenreich 1256 51
Abide With Me 16878 213
An Angel From On High 4523 94
Angels We Have Heard on High Obbligato 7759 76
As Sisters in Zion, from "Emma's Garden" 9294 67
As the Dew From Heav'n Distilling 3972 152
Be Ye Clean, solo 498 21
Because He Lives, an Easter program for SATB 9421 578
Behold! A Royal Army, SATB 4045 124
Calvary (Reprise), SATB 1076 111
Come, Follow Me 4355 70
Come, Drink of the Water, SA 1194 45
Come, Drink of the Water, SATB 1231 66
Come, Drink of the Water, TTBB 1637 44
Come, Follow Me TTBB 4252 25
Come, Ye Thankful People 10509 192
Count Your Blessings 15000 356
Crucify Him! SATB 1102 60
Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd 7807 149
Dearest Children, God is Near You, easy piano solo 5337 47
Don't They Know You're a King? 1416 86
Drop By Drop, SSA 1677 26
Press Forward Saints, SATB 4090 263
Silent Night, Congregation Hymn with Bells, Organ & Piano Freeform 4106 436
Encircle Me With Love, High SSA in Ab 1215 90
Eternity Is Home, SATB 944 61
Father in Heaven, We Do Believe 4440 69
Feed My Lambs 1845 72
Firm As the Mountains Around Us 3522 63
Gethsemane, SATB 10733 92
Help Me Teach With Inspiration 3937 198
Hosanna! SATB 1970 38
Feed My Lambs, Solo or Duet 1948 27
Improve the Shining Moments 1230 44
In His Footsteps, low solo 1029 27
In the Beginning, SATB with Tenor Solo 724 37
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear 11402 128
It's Reunion, 3 part round 527 28
Jesus, Once of Humble Birth 7785 167
Joy to the World, SATB 11782 157
Keep the Chain Unbroken, solo 572 49
Knit Together in Love 942 53
Lead Kindly Light, TTBB 10406 19
Lead Me Into Life Eternal SATB with flute and violin, or alternate orchestra 2735 72
Lead Me Into Life Eternal, SATB with piano acc 2558 56
Lead Me Into Life Eternal, SSA with optional flute and violin duet 1422 47
Lead Kindly Light 6603 88
Live the Legacy, Solo or Duet 360 19
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming 7340 2877
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, String quartet 7371 59
Love At Home SSA 4441 71
Mary, Oh, Mary 3227 40
Master, the Tempest Is Raging 6796 96
My Father 3352 68
Now Let Us Rejoice, piano and organ freeforms 9394 73
Now Let Us Rejoice 5501 75
O Holy Night, SATB with Strings 30806 720
O Holy Night, SSA with Violins and Cello 66036 490
O Holy Night, TTB with 2 violins & cello 38763 209
O Little Town Of Bethlehem, solo with SATB 13311 60
O Little Town Of Bethlehem, Solo with SSA 9302 125
O My Father, easy piano solo 12589 141
Oh, Beautiful for Spacious Skies 13479 236
Oh, Come All Ye Faithful, SATB with Organ and congregation 13444 498
Oh, Star 2928 91
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 9007 132
Press Forward Saints 5440 90
Press Forward Saints 5494 221
Search, Ponder and Pray 9412 190
Send Me a Child, Solo 356 21
Send Me a Child, Solo for Lower Voice 383 19
Send Me a Child, SSAA 578 15
She Is My Sister, vocal solo 869 19
Silent Night, SATB with organ, piano & bells 4437 329
Silent Night, SSA with organ, piano & bells 11309 399
Silent Night, Simplified SAB, organ, piano, bells 8500 312
Simplified Hymn Arr. for the LDS Choir 4308 774
Solos for the Lower Voice, Vol 1 1107 135
Songs of the Savior 674 649
Sweet Is The Work 2584 58
Sweet Little Jesus Boy, SSA with medium solo, and high solo 16748 13575
Teach Me to Love, Little Child 444 14
Thank You, Teacher 1054 22
The Circle of Family a 3-generation song 920 27
The Comforter, children's song 789 25
The First Noel 10723 209
The Gifts 1086 830
The Iron Rod, SATB with organ 2940 51
The Lord is My Shepherd 20151 138
The Pilgrims Held a Feast, easy piano solo 2145 29
The Promise of Bethlehem, a Christmas Program 3300 174
The Spirit of God 7924 74
This Is My Beloved, SATB, baritone solo, cello obbligato 4649 57
To Touch the Heart 1028 151
Waiting, solo 469 13
We Are the Sons 581 38
We Gather Together To Ask The Lord's Blessing, easy piano solo 13952 146
We Give Thee But Thine Own 1635 93
What Child Is This, SSA 18425 315
What Child Is This, SATB 6246 554
What Child Is This, SSAA, with piano acc and optional piano duet acc 13346 97
Who's on the Lord's Side, Who? 2274 434
With Wondering Awe SATB 3733 53
Woman of Faith, program narration 1605 68
Woman of Faith 990 218
Young Women Sing--solos, duets and trios 1478 298
Christmas Choir Songs for SATB, Vol 1 6890 425
Christmas Choir Songs for SATB, Vol 2 6704 389
Christmas Solos, Duets and Trios, Vol 1 8750 290
Crucify Him! Reprise, SATB 944 46
Emma's Garden 844 510
Encircle Me With Love, Low SSA 1763 29
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, easy piano solo 22777 469
He is Risen 10880 199
Home Is Where You Hang the Heart, SSA 864 32
Knit Together in Love (SA with Spanish verse and organ) 874 17
Master, the Tempest Is Raging, SSA 5210 18
Merry, Merry Christmas 399 78
Oh, December, How We Love You 1190 28
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 6248 90
Songs of the Savior 1046 0
Songs of the Savior 1074 299
The Golden Rule 733 20
Follow Me, SSA 1590 52
Praise to the Man 3352 77