Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats:
Composer: Joan Sowards
Total views of songs: 260240
Total pdf views/downloads: 42502

Total redirects from our site to yours: 21953


Individual song statistics for this composer

Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable)
We Are Daughters 2667 802 http://joansowards.com/We_Are_Daughters
We Will Trust in His Tender Mercies 2160 257 http://joansowards.com/tender_mercies
Choose the Light 1816 538 http://joansowards.com/Choose+the+Light
I'll Go on in Faith 837 165 http://joansowards.com/Twinkling+Little+Star
The Whole World is Sleeping 1883 326 http://joansowards.com/WholeWorldIsSleeping2010
We Seek After These Things 3262 345 http://joansowards.com/WeSeekAfterThese
Be Strong 3076 999 http://joansowards.com/BeStrong
It's A Jungle Out There 2734 432 http://joansowards.com/Jungle+Out+There
Be Thou An Example of The Believers 1875 571 http://joansowards.com/Be_Thou_An_Example
Be Steadfast And Immovable 1990 850 http://joansowards.com/Always+Abounding
Marriage And The Family 521 121 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
Created In His Image 738 121 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
Gender 773 95 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
The Premortal Realm 338 102 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
The Divine Plan Of Happieness 448 101 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
Procreation 7434 174 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
The Sanctity Of Life 459 71 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
O My Father 7049 1574 http://joansowards.com/
Behold the Great Redeemer Die 2241 472 http://joansowards.com/All_Songs
The Time Is Far Spent 1162 197 http://joansowards.com/
Though Deepening Trials 1227 275 http://joansowards.com/
Truth Reflects Upon Our Senses 1368 270 http://joansowards.com/
Thou Dost Not Weep Alone 2110 193 http://joansowards.com/
How Great the Wisdom and the Love 4204 672 http://joansowards.com/How+Great+The+Wisdom+and+the+Love
Great Is The Lord 7183 152 http://joansowards.com/All_Songs
Morning Of Eternity 1139 193 http://joansowards.com
Ponder the Path of Thy Feet 1820 361 http://joansowards.com/Ponder+The+Path+of+thy+Feet
Faith, Hope, and Charity 2171 362 http://joansowards.com/Faith+Hope+and+Charity
My Mother, My Friend 1550 261 http://joansowards.com/My+Friend+My+Mother
Bring Him Safely Home 2053 215 http://joansowards.com/Bring+Him+Safely+Home+to+Me
I Can Make My Home a Heaven 2314 88 http://joansowards.com/I+Can+Make+My+Home+a+Haven
No Ordinary Woman 1325 214 http://joansowards.com/No+Ordinary+Woman
You'll Get To Heaven Yet 699 134 http://joansowards.com/Youll+Get+To+Heaven+Yet
The Woman That I Can Be 1028 143 http://joansowards.com/
Do You Remember? 960 149 http://joansowards.com/All_Songs
Beautiful Dreamer 2614 725 http://joansowards.com/Beautiful+Dreamer
Mary and Elizabeth 2654 422 http://joansowards.com/Mary_and_Elizabeth
Serve in Newness 454 204 http://joansowards.com/Serve+in+Newness
The Things Of My Soul 521 109 http://joansowards.com/All_Songs
Her Day 955 235 http://joansowards.com/Her+Day
Child of Mine 2602 373 http://joansowards.com/node/45
When I am Baptized 11965 3091 http://joansowards.com/When+I+Am+Baptized
Love One Another 15370 3060 http://joansowards.com/Love+One+Another
Hold High Your Light 2737 310 http://joansowards.com/Hold_High_Your_Light
We Have Seen His Star 1831 302 http://joansowards.com/node/117
A Circle of Sisters, A Circle of Values 2744 313 http://joansowards.com/Circle%20of%20Sisters
A Mother's Joy 1277 332 http://joansowards.com/A%20Mothers%20Joy
Abundando Siempre en Buenas obras 1676 426 http://joansowards.com/Abundando%20Siempre
Be a Vessel Unto Honor 2883 284 http://joansowards.com/Be%20a%20Vessel%20Unto%20Honor
Arise And Shine Forth 5395 730 http://joansowards.com/Arise%20and%20Shine%20Forth
Because of Love 1300 232 http://joansowards.com/Because%20of%20Love
Broken Heart & Contrite Spirit 6822 428 http://joansowards.com/Broken%20Heart
Christmas Ladder 1019 121 http://joansowards.com/Christmas_the_song
A Christmas Greeting 2906 361 http://joansowards.com/Christmas_Greeting
A Christmas Prayer 8127 3481 http://joansowards.com/Christmas_Prayer
Count on the Values 1490 246 http://joansowards.com/Count%20on%20the%20Values
Faith in Every Footstep 27386 1155 http://joansowards.com/Faith%20Footstep%20Flute
I Believe In Jesus Christ 3528 390 http://joansowards.com/I%20Believe%20In%20Jesus%20Christ
I Still Believe In Christmas 3890 910 http://joansowards.com/I%20still%20believe
I Want to Meet'cha Mr. Santa 1007 160 http://joansowards.com/Meetcha%20Mr%20Santa
Immanuel 5612 370 http://joansowards.com/Immanuel
Invite Faith 368 111 http://joansowards.com/Invite_Faith
Just A Homemade Valentine 535 124 http://joansowards.com/Just%20A%20Homemade%20Valentine
Let the Spirit Guide You 2914 503 http://joansowards.com/Let%20the%20Spirit%20Guide%20You
Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts 911 420 http://joansowards.com/Let%20Virtue%20Garnish%20Thy%20Thoughts
Little Lamb, Who Made Thee? 1225 209 http://joansowards.com/Little_Lamb
Magic of the Season 1460 242 http://joansowards.com/Magic%20of%20the%20Season
Of Christ 1380 185 http://joansowards.com/Of%20Christ
One Baby Boy 2419 350 http://joansowards.com/One%20Baby%20Boy
Press Forward 2286 232 http://joansowards.com/Press%20Forward
Ride With a Witch 635 86 http://joansowards.com/Ride%20With%20a%20Witch
Rise Higher 2365 172 http://joansowards.com/Rise%20Higher
Search Diligently 649 156 http://joansowards.com/Search%20Diligently
Silent Night 9166 1726 http://joansowards.com/Silent%20Night
Something Extraordinary 1834 333 http://joansowards.com/SomethingExtraordinary
Still Lives Within My Heart 1615 293 http://joansowards.com/Still%20Lives%20within%20my%20heart
The Birthplace of a King 8400 191 http://joansowards.com/Birthplace_of_a_King
The Christmas Ladder 1370 127 http://joansowards.com/Christmas%20Ladder.
In the Premortal Realm 343 76 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
An Heritage of The Lord 659 117 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
A Sacred Duty 822 537 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
The Family is Ordained of God 850 104 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
Happiness in Family Life 526 88 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
Successful Marriages and Families 454 103 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
Fathers 3455 288 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
Mothers 976 115 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
Disability 556 76 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
We Warn 355 86 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
We Call Upon Responsible Citizens 331 154 http://joansowards.com/Family%20Proclamation
The Promise of Christmas 2309 387 http://joansowards.com/Promise_of_Christmas
The Treasure Within 1583 417 http://joansowards.com/The%20Treasure%20Within
What Would Christmas Mean? 2085 271 http://joansowards.com/What_Would_Christmas_Mean
Write Here, Write Now 547 95 http://joansowards.com/Write%20Here%20Write%20Now
You Can Be The One 782 212 http://joansowards.com/YouCanBeTheOne
Counting Christmas 1471 259 http://joansowards.com/Counting_Christmas
Skeleton inside of you 414 105 http://joansowards.com/Skeleton+Inside+of+You
We Are Daughters 1477 1374 http://joansowards.com/We_Are_Daughters
Be Thou An Example of The Believers 1401 548 http://joansowards.com/Be_Thou_An_Example
Be Steadfast And Immovable 709 0 http://joansowards.com/Always+Abounding
Be Steadfast And Immovable 526 0 http://joansowards.com/Always+Abounding
Beautiful Dreamer 1042 190 http://joansowards.com/Beautiful+Dreamer
Serve in Newness 604 156 http://joansowards.com/Serve+in+Newness
Her Day 571 123 http://joansowards.com/Her+Day
Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts 649 135 http://joansowards.com/Let%20Virtue%20Garnish%20Thy%20Thoughts
Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts 394 114 http://joansowards.com/Let%20Virtue%20Garnish%20Thy%20Thoughts
Come Unto Christ 1438 147 http://joansowards.com/Come+Unto+Christ