Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats: Composer: Craig Petrie Total views of songs: 532859 Total pdf views/downloads: 100846 Total redirects from our site to yours: 20559Individual song statistics for this composer
Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable) A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief 24391 2528 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/apoor.htm Abide With Me 14787 2126 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/abide.htm Abide With Me, Tis Eventide 14055 1911 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/abidemen.htm Am I Ready? 1765 313 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/amiready.htm America the Beautiful 18632 4838 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/america.htm Away In a Manger 23839 3890 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/awayttbb.htm Beautiful Savior 15836 1848 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/beautifu.htm Choose the Right 8272 1643 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/choosetheright.htm Come, Come Ye Saints 21969 5846 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/comecome.htm Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 34562 9636 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/comethou.htm Dearest Children, God is Near You 4680 3079 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/dearest.htm Did You Think to Pray? 18321 1811 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/didupray.htm Do What is Right 3672 702 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/doright.htm Does the Journey Seem Long 3481 408 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/journey.htm Feed My Sheep 5783 837 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/feedmysheep.htm The First Noel 16068 2393 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/thefirstnoel.htm Give Me Thy Burden for a Moment 1051 332 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/giveme.htm He Has Set Me Free 1959 183 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/mefree.htm High On the Mountain Top 14209 3100 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/highonthemtntop.htm The Iron Rod 4788 885 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/holdtotherod.htm I Know My Savior Loves Me 8612 583 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/savlives.htm I Think When I Read That Sweet Story 1149 396 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/ithink.htm If Any of You Lack Wisdom 2413 503 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/askofgod.htm In Humility, Our Savior 7209 1186 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/inhumil.htm In Hymns of Praise 2072 406 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/inhymns.htm In My Home 1040 292 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/inmyhome.htm Jesus, Savior Pilot Me 10209 1306 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/pilotme.htm Joseph Smith's First Prayer 11806 1558 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/ohowlove.htm Lead Kindly Light 13731 1431 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/leadkind.htm Love At Home 5418 2718 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/lovehome.html Love One Another 11735 1639 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/asihave.htm Master, the Tempest Is Raging 11331 2842 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/master.htm The Master's Canvas 527 0 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/canvas.htm My Burden is Light 931 318 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/myburden.htm Nearer, My God to Thee 24957 4177 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/nearer.htm O My Father 8980 920 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/omyfathr.htm O My Father 5744 1287 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/omyfathr.htm O Thou Kind and Gracious Father 2209 314 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/othoukind.htm Of Humble Birth 3429 414 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/humbleb.htm Oh, Holy Words 3123 514 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/holyword.htm Oh, What Songs of the Heart 3146 765 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/ohsongs.htm Oil for Your Lamp 1625 510 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/oil4lamp.htm Praise to the Man 8986 1502 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/praiseto.htm Secret Prayer 3520 1111 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/secret.htm Seek First the Kingdom of God 2475 343 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/seek.htm Silent Night 14502 2597 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/silent.htm The Son Will Come 898 262 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/sonwill.htm When I Do What's Right I Feel Good 1175 256 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/whenido.htm Your Place in the World 758 97 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/yoplace.htm Abide With Me 11125 1358 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/abide.htm Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 25493 5088 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/comethou.htm I Know My Savior Loves Me 3711 295 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/savlives.htm I Know My Savior Loves Me 1285 164 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/savlives.htm Joseph Smith's First Prayer 11869 2329 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/ohowlove.htm Joseph Smith's First Prayer 8833 1551 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/ohowlove.htm Master, the Tempest Is Raging 8631 1603 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/master.htm O My Father 6001 2044 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/omyfathr.htm O My Father 4565 1174 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/omyfathr.htm Does the Journey Seem Long? 3134 541 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/songlist.htm I Know My Savior Lives 1995 207 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/songlist.htm Teacher Appreciation Night 740 254 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/teacher.htm TTBB Arrangements (booklet) 5869 2690 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/songlist.htm Joseph, Dearest, Joseph Mine 3231 765 The Iron Rod 2402 698 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/holdtotherod.htm I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go 7476 1382 http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/GoWhereYouWantMe.htm I Need Thee Every Hour 669 147 http://www.petriefamily.org/i-need-thee-every-hour/