Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats:
Composer: Aaron Waite
Total views of songs: 108243
Total pdf views/downloads: 17855

Total redirects from our site to yours: 5158


Individual song statistics for this composer

Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable)
All That I Have 2130 651 http://www.aaronwaite.com
Come Join the Ranks 1276 335 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
Dearest Children, God is Near You 2524 1079 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
Faith of Our Fathers 8266 1534 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
The Goodbye Song 8078 794 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
Help Me Teach With Inspiration 2658 673 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
I Await My Savior's Coming 1030 308 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
I Beheld Round The Throne 614 245 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
In Humility, Our Savior 6087 807 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
Little Baby Jesus 3887 581 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
Lord Grant Me Breath 784 281 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
My Confidence is Grounded in the Savior 508 379 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
On My Baptism Day 7382 842 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
Sabbath Day 2996 551 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
Thy Holy Word 3198 937 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
Today I Go to the Temple 793 238 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
When Joseph Prayed in a Grove Called Sacred 11471 293 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
Why I Pray 553 275 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
Let Glory To Him In The Highest Be Given 3490 290 http://www.aaronwaite.com/sheetmusic/alpha.php
He Is There 380 276
I'm Sorry 3150 541
As From the Dust 1405 249 http://www.aaronwaite.com
Beautiful Savior 10163 1785 http://www.aaronwaite.com
God Be With You Till We Meet Again 6659 1147 http://www.aaronwaite.com
God Be With You Till We Meet Again 12861 2180 http://www.aaronwaite.com
The Call 2456 185 http://www.aaronwaite.com
Child of Mine (God's Lullaby) 1929 253 http://www.aaronwaite.com
Child of Mine (God's Lullaby) 1515 146 http://www.aaronwaite.com