Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats:
Composer: Marika Lee
Total views of songs: 220514
Total pdf views/downloads: 50626

Total redirects from our site to yours: 18775


Individual song statistics for this composer

Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable)
1 John 4:14 1348 0 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
2 Nephi 4:15 1745 151 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
Acts 1:11 577 98 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
Amos 3:7 3278 163 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
Faith of Our Fathers 7276 1238 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing 6988 0 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go 8727 1184 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
Isaiah 29:14 476 131 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
John 3:5 1947 170 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
John 3:16 1276 191 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
Mosiah 2:17 734 167 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
Brightly Beams Medley 6230 639 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
Family Proclamation Songs 3605 1325 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
I Need Thee Every Hour 11163 2790 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
I Need Thee Every Hour 9011 1244 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
I Need Thee Every Hour 14990 5514 http://completeleefamily.com/ABC_List.html
Angel Hymn Medley 8073 1225 http://www.completeleefamily.com/abc-list.html
D and C 42:7 573 79 http://www.completeleefamily.com/1-f-1.html
D and C 59:7 568 81 http://www.completeleefamily.com/1-f-1.html
D&C 88:119 648 75 http://www.completeleefamily.com/1-f-1.html
I Saw Three Ships 2528 288 http://www.completeleefamily.com/g-m.html
I Stand All Amazed 18452 4067 http://www.completeleefamily.com/g-m.html
John 14:6 535 77 http://www.completeleefamily.com/g-m.html
Love One Another/Ye Have Done it Unto Me 5286 835 http://www.completeleefamily.com/g-m.html
Matthew 5:16 429 63 http://www.completeleefamily.com/g-m.html
Oh Holy Night 64520 22157 http://www.completeleefamily.com/n-s.html
Primer Piano Songs 3343 1577 http://www.completeleefamily.com/n-s.html
Psalm 82:6 280 59 http://www.completeleefamily.com/n-s.html
Silent Night 6468 1092 http://www.completeleefamily.com/n-s.html
Sunshine Medley 8929 1468 http://www.completeleefamily.com/n-s.html
Sweet Hour of Prayer 8239 1169 http://www.completeleefamily.com/n-s.html
Love One Another/As I Have Loved You 10027 1205 http://www.completeleefamily.com/t-z.html
Now a Time of Gladness 2245 104 https://completeleefamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Now-a-Time-of-Gladness.pdf