Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats: Composer: Vincent Allen Total views of songs: 21184 Total pdf views/downloads: 2507Individual song statistics for this composer
Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable) Praise the Lord O my Soul 293 51 LORD IN THEE WE TRUST 261 64 He's Coming Back 292 59 PUT YOU TRUST IN THE SON! 274 61 Will You Be Ready When The Savior Comes! 162 43 THE LORD IS COMING BACK SOON! 234 57 GIVE ME THAT OLD TIME RELIGON 276 83 O YES, HE'S A GOOD GOD 118 46 WHEN I LOOK AND SEE! 142 41 ALL WE LIKE SHEEP 494 82 GOD IS LOVE 317 66 Morning Star Appears at Evening! 140 50 God So Loved.... 685 81 Fairest Lord Jesus-Holy, Holy, Holy-Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring-O Little Town Of Bethlehem-Praise to 1083 90 MEDITATIONS FOR HARP, VIOLIN, AND Cello! 242 49 Glory to God in the Highest! 573 88 Have a Very Merry Christmas!-Mary's Lullaby-Who Is the Child? 430 52 Silent Night 343 75 Silent Night 413 59 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 447 57 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 315 44 Joy to the World 540 51 Glory to God on High-God Is Love-In Hymns of Praise-Just a Closer Walk with Thee-Near the Cross-Peac 793 86 Joy to the World-We Three Kings of Orient Are-With Humble Heart-With Songs of Praise-A Smile is Like 1199 64 Joy to the World 381 51 In the Garden 815 63 Joy to the World 321 98 A Mighty Fortress is our God-Abide With Me-Amazing Grace-Fairest Lord Jesus-Glorious Things of Thee 950 78 IF WE EVER NEEDED THE LORD BEFORE ...... 199 57 Music to Comfort the Soul. 151 36 A Mighty Fortress is our God-Abide With Me-All Glory, Laud, and Honour-Amazing Grace-Angels We Have 2323 77 A Mighty Fortress is our God-Abide With Me-All Creatures of Our God and King-All Glory, Laud, and Ho 1735 70 Christ is Born 174 33 A Friend 145 29 The Beginning 53 24 The Cosmos 89 15 The Garden of Eden 109 29 The Temptation 118 22 The Flood of Waters 114 43 The Beautiful Lights 101 27 The Branch 71 41 PRAISE THE LORD O MY SOUL.... 360 36 WILL YOU BE READY 190 25 Yesterdays Gone 115 23 Amazing Grace 817 50 Hallelujah no.1 169 16 A Mighty Fortress is our God-Abide With Me-Beneath the Cross of Jesus-Christ The Lord Is Risen Today 1618 65