Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats:
Composer: Donald Bugg
Total views of songs: 10308
Total pdf views/downloads: 1247


Individual song statistics for this composer

Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable)
Redeemer of Israel Soprano Descant 1491 0
Two Thousand Valiant-Hearted Youth (Tune: Helaman) 656 90
Two Thousand Valiant-Hearted Youth (Tune: Stripling) (Joo/Bugg) 699 106
Let Me Do It unto Thee 822 114
Broken Things 968 57
Two Gardens 971 94
My Body 327 50
Arise, My Soul 806 53
A Voice So Still and Small 862 88
A Word of Wisdom (Bugg/Butler) 403 58
Encircled in Our Savior's Love (Rich/Bugg) 306 51
Peace I Leave with You 685 151
Little Lambs Who Roam 294 76
Change My Heart 644 154
Set My Feet on Righteous Paths 194 60
As I Take This Broken Bread 130 31
Savior, Redeemer of My Soul 50 14