Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats: Composer: Susan W Henry Total views of songs: 369559 Total pdf views/downloads: 118909 Total redirects from our site to yours: 5387Individual song statistics for this composer
Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable) Prayer 1215 192 Our Savior's Love 3509 1044 https://www.susanwhenry.com/ I Know That My Redeemer Lives 7679 1650 My Testimony 662 120 Dear Child 550 119 Our Savior's Love 4400 1226 This Perfect Man 290 84 The Prayer of a Simple Boy 639 126 I Wonder 1142 152 Abide With Me 5188 1421 susanwhenry.com Abide With Me 5539 1194 susanwhenry.com Abide With Me 2954 715 susanwhenry.com I Am a Child of God 4300 1289 https://www.susanwhenry.com/ I Am a Child of God 4297 1465 https://www.susanwhenry.com/ Our Savior's Love 5142 1642 I Am a Child of God 2600 569 https://www.susanwhenry.com/ Nearer, My God to Thee 5801 1292 Nearer, My God to Thee 11607 4486 Nearer, My God to Thee 5030 1535 www.birchnote.com I Know That My Redeemer Lives 4469 1993 Nearer, My God to Thee 5101 2672 I Am a Child of God 2030 1731 Nearer, My God to Thee 3279 1036 Where Can I Turn for Peace? 4309 1159 Where Can I Turn for Peace? 5767 2000 Where Can I Turn for Peace? 4880 1434 Where Can I Turn for Peace? 1459 1242 Where Can I Turn for Peace? 9679 3065 www.birchnotemusic.weebly.com Lord, I Would Follow Thee 4434 1254 Lord, I Would Follow Thee 4268 1144 Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer 1224 280 Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer 4109 1092 Lord, I Would Follow Thee 6107 1725 Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer 2146 650 Prayer 1768 328 I Need Thee Every Hour 3394 773 I Need Thee Every Hour 7810 3452 Hope Hадежда 780 131 I Am a Child of God 6312 2024 https://www.susanwhenry.com/ I Know That My Redeemer Lives 9452 2738 Come, Follow Me 4142 1344 Lord, I Would Follow Thee 3483 1800 For the Beauty of the Earth 7327 2230 Joseph Smith's First Prayer 4612 1213 https://birchnotemusic.weebly.com/ Joseph Smith's First Prayer 1989 429 https://www.susanwhenry.com/ For the Beauty of the Earth 2772 1046 For the Beauty of the Earth 2539 915 Joseph Smith's First Prayer 2337 928 Joseph Smith's First Prayer 2667 952 Jesus Paid It All 6002 2433 Joseph Smith's First Prayer 1894 575 Joseph Smith's First Prayer 1655 408 Be Thou My Vision 10460 3593 Amazing Grace 15163 4534 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbpz1aqrfBw&feature=youtu.be It is Well with My Soul 15221 4907 Sweet Hour of Prayer 8184 2785 Fairest Lord Jesus-Beautiful Savior 10497 3615 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 13755 5456 Beautiful Savior 5623 2210 Be Thou My Vision 8875 3217 Amazing Grace 7810 2345 https://www.birchnotemusic.com/ Amazing Grace 7267 2448 https://www.birchnotemusic.com/ Sweet Hour of Prayer 2792 1006 https://www.birchnotemusic.com/ Sweet Hour of Prayer 3198 1241 https://www.birchnotemusic.com/ It is Well with My Soul 10771 3051 It is Well with My Soul 8121 1528 Fairest Lord Jesus-Beautiful Savior 3744 1120 Abide With Me 3012 1323 http://susanwhenry.com For the Beauty of the Earth 1985 407 http://susanwhenry.com It is Well with My Soul 6532 1696 http://susanwhenry.com Jesus Paid It All 1071 255 http://susanwhenry.com Fairest Lord Jesus-Beautiful Savior 2984 790 http://susanwhenry.com Be Thou My Vision 5282 1563 http://susanwhenry.com I Need Thee Every Hour 1847 599 http://susanwhenry.com Amazing Grace 5205 1846 http://susanwhenry.com Joseph Smith's First Prayer 670 153 http://susanwhenry.com It is Well with My Soul 1881 416 http://susanwhenry.com Abide With Me 464 189 www.susanwhenry.com Down to the River to Pray 256 59 http://susanwhenry.com All Things Bright and Beautiful 149 40 http://susanwhenry.com