Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats:
Composer: Mark Richins
Total views of songs: 12291
Total pdf views/downloads: 353

Total redirects from our site to yours: 5693


Individual song statistics for this composer

Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable)
That Still and Holy Night 1980 235 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
Away In a Manger 2247 0 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 2844 0 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
The Last Farewell 639 0 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
See the Lamb of Our Atonement 423 0 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
We Thank Thee for This Sabbath Day 327 0 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
We'll Sing with Joy 441 0 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
This is How I Pray 298 0 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
The Lord and I 341 0 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
The Holy Ghost 357 0 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
Come, Follow Me 1050 118 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
Thy Holy Word 241 0
Joseph Smith's First Prayer 399 0 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/music-by-mark.html
Hear Him 704 0 http://www.markrichinsmusic.com/reflections/new-primary-song-hear-him