Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats:
Composer: Emily Rachel Middleton Doegey
Total views of songs: 32597
Total pdf views/downloads: 4680

Total redirects from our site to yours: 3500


Individual song statistics for this composer

Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable)
God Gave His Glory to the Skies 1238 133
The Earth Was Still That Easter Morn (original music by Andrew Moore) 4405 308
For Us He Came 554 85 https://hymnsbyemily.weebly.com/
His Kingdom Will in Glory Reign (tune 1) 2025 216 https://hymnsbyemily.weebly.com/
Our Beautiful Nauvoo 840 100 https://hymnsbyemily.wixsite.com/home
Come to the Hearthstone of the Lord 621 187
There is Music in the Heavens 925 160
He Is The Savior Of His Flock 956 163 https://hymnsbyemily.weebly.com/
Battle Hymn of the Republic (Additional Verses) 5078 711 https://hymnsbyemily.weebly.com/
Children Of The House Of Israel 1316 197 https://hymnsbyemily.weebly.com/
Today The Heavens Drew Apart 957 164 https://hymnsbyemily.weebly.com/
Victorious From The Tomb He Rose 1160 213 https://hymnsbyemily.weebly.com/
There Is A Book Of Agency 1065 191 https://hymnsbyemily.weebly.com/
In The Heavens 1456 196 https://hymnsbyemily.weebly.com/
His Kingdom Will In Glory Reign (Tune 2) 813 117 https://hymnsbyemily.weebly.com/
Everyday The Pioneers Sang 1145 175 https://hymnsbyemily.wixsite.com/home/observance
A KING WAS BORN IN BETHLEHEM 2450 262 https://hymnsbyemily.wixsite.com/home
He Rose! And Won Eternal Life 878 153 https://hymnsbyemily.wixsite.com/home
The Windows of Heaven 844 150
In The Heavens (Original Music) 650 97 https://hymnsbyemily.wixsite.com/home
Come Unto Jesus- Additional Verses 400 64
Coming Softly From Above 431 128 https://hymnsbyemily.wixsite.com/home
O Little Town of Bethlehem- Added verses 1021 139
Once In Royal David's City- added verse 478 81
If You Knew Who You Were 891 290