Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats: Composer: RC Hancock Total views of songs: 47977 Total pdf views/downloads: 15676 Total redirects from our site to yours: 3887Individual song statistics for this composer
Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable) Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 4724 12 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/come-thou-fount Daddy's Homecoming 1455 4378 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/daddys-homecoming When I Am Baptized 3391 600 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/when-i-am-baptized Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime 1972 145 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/oh-what-do-you-do-in-the-summertime I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus-Tell Me The Stories Of Jesus 11273 1951 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/jesus-medley Come, Ye Thankful People-Now We'll Sing With One Accord-Can a Little Child Like Me 4853 452 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/harvest-medley Nephi's Courage 1594 19 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/nephis-courage As A Child of God 1781 328 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/as-a-child-of-god Latter-day Prophets 7440 6436 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/latter-day-prophets-with-nelson I Am a Child of God 1687 201 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/i-am-a-child-of-god Your Happy Birthday 363 76 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/your-birthday Lean on My Ample Arm 996 114 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/lean-on-my-ample-arm The First Day 384 50 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/copy-of-come-thou-fount Book of Mormon Stories 1095 184 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/book-of-mormon-stories Follow the Prophet 1150 303 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/follow-the-prophet A Love Letter to my Children 638 76 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/a-love-letter-to-my-children Joseph's Lullaby 1289 119 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/joseph-lullaby A Happy Helper 329 42 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/a-happy-helper How Great Thou Art 889 100 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/how-great-thou-art Hello Song 115 17 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/hello-song I Feel My Savior's Love 303 42 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/i-feel-my-saviors-love Away in a Manger-Christmas Bells-I Am Like a Star-Stars Were Gleaming/Infant Holy, Infant Lowly-The 256 31 https://www.anuncommonauthor.com/starry-bethlehem