Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats: Composer: Sheryl Martineau Total views of songs: 247663 Total pdf views/downloads: 53487 Total redirects from our site to yours: 220Individual song statistics for this composer
Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable) The Lord to Me a Shepherd Is SSA 935 120 Reverence medley 2661 242 Reverencia 1206 124 I Need Thee Every Hour 7335 1199 Abide With Me, Tis Eventide 2454 652 Jesus, Savior Pilot Me 2084 411 The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare 1435 344 Melody 1293 237 Come, Ye Disconsolate 1625 405 The Stars 2947 287 A Shining Piece of Gold 814 155 The Stars SATB 2162 397 The Lord to Me a Shepherd is SA 2713 296 Tan humilde al nacer 920 238 I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go 2913 663 A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief 2162 476 Amad a otros 1348 262 Brillan rayos de clemencia 1862 281 Noche de luz 2014 1176 203 Silent Night 2014 2618 521 Noche de luz 2011 3895 466 Noche de luz 2017 1855 319 Silent Night 2017 3262 706 Cuando venga Jesús 893 155 Silent Night 2011 4026 1088 Conmigo quédate, Señor 1262 291 Guíame, oh Salvador 733 241 Roca de eternidad 1175 237 Loor al profeta 1286 225 Oh dulce, grata oración 744 166 Mi Padre Celestial me ama 1500 450 Glorias cantad a Dios 961 184 Jehová, sé nuestro guía 830 203 Yo sé que vive mi Señor 2584 482 Go, Lovely Rose 813 98 Thank God for a Sunset 586 76 Reverence Medley 1697 516 Savior, Redeemer of My Soul 8826 638 Summertime Medley 3423 615 Silent Night 2631 532 More Holiness Give Me 1379 404 I Think When I Read That Sweet Story 947 258 I Need Thee Every Hour 2154 437 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear-O Little Town Of Bethlehem 4752 763 Abide With Me 3385 747 'Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love 1176 267 Where Can I Turn for Peace? 1786 354 Rock of Ages 2286 497 Beautiful Zion, Built Above 1082 277 We Love Thy House, O God 1051 297 Secret Prayer 1223 183 Did You Think to Pray? 1644 379 Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy 2208 524 Come unto Jesus 1451 370 He Died! The Great Redeemer Died 954 264 Behold the Great Redeemer Die 941 219 Señor, te necesito 1623 423 I Know That My Redeemer Lives 3989 1078 Christmas Aleluia 1963 234 For the Strength of the Hills 1454 541 Praise to the Man 1814 480 Abide With Me, Tis Eventide 2280 850 Brilla 425 80 Shine On 1189 415 What Child Is This 7008 1181 Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer 1061 203 Jesus, Once of Humble Birth 1371 360 Rock of Ages 2885 845 My Heavenly Father Loves Me/Whenever I Hear the Song of a Bird 2902 845 Sweet Hour of Prayer 2019 430 Love One Another/As I Have Loved You 2166 480 Come, Ye Disconsolate 1117 215 Jesus, Savior Pilot Me 1241 395 Jehová mi Pastor es 1283 351 Joy to the World! 5245 1402 Regocijad! Jesús nació 1328 217 Por tus dones loor cantamos 669 173 More Holiness Give Me 2560 820 Más santidad dame 678 142 Qué maravillosas tus obras 663 143 A donde me mandes, iré 1366 264 Christmas Lullaby 3835 303 When He Comes Again/I Wonder When He Comes Again 3401 770 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee 1873 407 Glory to God on High 1327 352 Escuchad el son triunfal 1239 1069 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 3155 658 The Lord is My Shepherd 1609 381 Hope Of Israel 5334 901 A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief 3754 547 Come unto Jesus 2895 565 Venid a Cristo 1399 235 I Know That My Redeemer Lives 8540 1457 Venid a Cristo 1038 174 Come unto Jesus 1797 615 In Bethlehem A King Was Born 1636 551 Little Piece for Bassoon 409 135 Cristo ha nacido ya 923 160 Tan sólo con pensar en Ti 813 149 Dime la historia de Cristo 988 243 Tell Me The Stories Of Jesus 2462 685 Yo tengo un jardín 375 97 I Have a Garden 550 200 God Is Love 1772 432 El sublime Creador 996 220 Press Forward Saints 1299 338 Press Forward Saints 1619 536 Santos, avanzad 1007 263 I Think Sleep Is an Angel 281 57 I Think of You 268 42 Any Little Star 639 103 Hope Is the Thing with Feathers 751 97 Alleluia 1630 203 Ven, oh desconsolado 448 208 When He Comes Again/I Wonder When He Comes Again 2257 445 Redeemer of Israel 1263 285 Gracias, mi Dios 582 186 Simplified Hymns for Organ 1132 288 Silent Night 2019 1502 790 Noche de luz 2019 626 337 In the Bleak Midwinter 1953 499 Trabajemos hoy en la obra 830 198 Let Us All Press On 1836 514 Come unto Jesus 1653 493 The Lord is My Shepherd 3171 711 Reverence Medley 2679 599 Sweet Hour of Prayer 3124 735 Oh Pueblecito de Belén 241 114 Oh pueblecito de Belén O Little Town Of Bethlehem 389 132