As promised, here is the vocal/piano version of the score and a mp3 demo. Much thanks to my friend Stephanie Bennett, who lent her voice to this project.
This arrangement came about after listening to various musical numbers that sounded way too solemn for my tastes. Why is it that hymns or musical numbers sound like funeral dirges? Perhaps it’s the organ and the tendency to conduct under tempo. Anyway, I believe that the gospel makes you happy, and should be expressed as such.
Sheet Music: Give Said The Little Stream Sheet Music
Thank you so much for sharing your talents. My choir, Andulhea Heritage Chorus, just loves
your SATB of Give, said the little stream. We are singing it in our concert, “The River” very close to the Schuylkill River in Hamburg PA on Sept 14th. It will open the second half of the program and just
bring joy and gratitude to our audience and singers. . . . and our Lord.
I will take a moment to acknowledge you and your wonderful arrangement.
God Bless
Don Schilke
Hi Don,
Glad you and choir liked the arrangement. Hope it goes well!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this arrangement! I agree with you….we need more happy music in sacrament meeting!!!
Thanks for contributing to that!
I noticed the copyright on Give said the little stream and was wondering if I can have permission to copy and use for a sacrament meeting performance?
Hi Ron, glad you like the arrangement! You have my permission to perform it in your sacrament meeting or any other purpose that is non-commercial.
I love, love, love this arrangement. I have a children’s choir here in St. George, UT and would love to add this to our repertoire. I would really love it if I could purchase a copy of the background without the vocals, A minus track or a accompaniment track. You’ve done such a beautiful job with the orchestration. Would that even be possible?
This is me Allison Benson commenting again. I just wanted to let you know a little bit more about me and my choir. I am a former member of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, and I have found the same joy in working with this little children’s choir that I used to have when I would perform with them. I love it when I find a peace like this that they can just put their whole heart and soul into and one that the audience knows and can sing along with. My choir is free for all children to join, and it is purely a labor of love. I find it so uplifting to find people like you who consecrate your talents to build up God’s kingdom. I just wanted to say thank you again.
Such a gorgeous arrangement of one of my favorite pieces. I would love to sing it for sacrament!! Can I please pay you to transpose it to the key of F major? Thank you so much!
Hi Amara, I’m glad you like the arrangement. I’ll be in contact with you soon!
Hi Jared! I love this arrangement! I’m wondering if it might be possible to get this arrangement transposed up a step? We would like to use it for a choir if 5 and 6 year olds and a little higher would be better for their young voices. Please let me know! Thank tou!
Hi Sara,
Happy to help, I charge a small nominal fee for the transposition. I sent you an email with some questions.